News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Jennifer Schwartzenberg, Director of Community Outreach and Development, The Outer Banks Hospital, (252) 449-5933
Date: February 22, 2019
Larri Flynt named Outer Banks Hospital Employee of the Month for February, 2019

Larri Flynt, Area Technician with Environmental Services, is The Outer Banks Hospital’s February, 2019 Employee of the Month. Flynt joined The Outer Banks Hospital in August of 2017. A long-term Outer Banks resident, Flynt graduated from Manteo High School. She is also a huge animal lover.
Flynt is a true ray of sunshine and creates a positive environment all around her. She makes a genuine effort to ask how others are doing and always performs her duties with diligence and ownership. She is dependable, good-humored and a quick learner. The positive attitude she displays is infectious and it encourages others to follow her lead.
Flynt works well with her peers and has a wonderful working relationship with the nursing staff. She consistently puts 100% of herself into her work and her interactions with both patients and staff. Her ability to anticipate where she will be needed ensures that everyone gets the care they need in a timely and efficient manner.
Following her enthusiastic, fists-in-the-air reaction, Flynt stated, “I love being able to interact with the patients, and meeting the new babies and their parents. I enjoy being able to help them during their stay.” She continued, “Thank you to my co-workers. I’m very surprised and happy!”
Pictured, Left to Right: Alex Tobiasz, Lead Area Technician; Zachary Shepherd, Manager of Environmental Services; Flynt; Noemi Ornelas, Area Technician; Falana Twiddy-Gallaga, Area Technician; Marcia Bryant, Vice President of Clinical Operations.