News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Jennifer Schwartzenberg
Director of Community Outreach and Development,
The Outer Banks Hospital
(252) 449-5933
Date: January 25, 2021

Kelly Kulesza, Staff Nurse II in the Medical/Surgical Unit, is The Outer Banks Hospital’s January, 2021 Employee of the Month. She joined The Outer Banks Hospital team in June, 2015.
Since her first day, Kulesza has been a valued team player. As a charge nurse, she is held in high regard for her communication skills with her team as well as other charge nurses in the Emergency Department and Labor and Delivery.
Kulesza puts the patient first and is known for her thoughtful care and excellent decision-making skills. The positive attitude and compassion she shows for her patients is infectious to her team. With her quiet strength, Kulesza draws people to her for guidance and leadership. Providers also depend on and trust her clinical expertise.
Often called upon to conduct interviews and assist with on-boarding new team members, Kulesza’s teaching style supports the new team member as well as the culture of the unit. She is welcoming and reassuring, and instills confidence in new employees.
Upon hearing that she had been chosen as the January, 2021 Employee of the Month, Kulesza stated, “I came from a big hospital in Maryland so I’m really thankful I get to work in such a close community.” She continued, “I really enjoy being a part of such a wonderful team that gets to care for our patients. It feels good to be recognized by my coworkers; I feel so appreciated!”
Pictured, Left to Right: Ronnie Sloan, President, The Outer Banks Hospital; Kulesza; Marcia Bryant, Vice President of Clinical Operations; Lisa McGaha, Director, Inpatient Services