Embracing the “80% by 2018” Effort
The Outer Banks Hospital has joined the national “80% by 2018” effort to increase colon cancer screening to 80% by 2018. 80% by 2018 is a National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Initiative designed to encourage 80% of adults ages 50 and older to be screened for colon cancer. National data suggests that most adults (65%) over age 50 are up to date with their colon cancer screening, so this is an achievable and lifesaving goal. It is estimated that reaching the 80% goal by 2018 will save more than 200,000 lives. So why the focus on colon cancer? Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women in the US. During 2016, the Outer Banks Hospital Cancer Committee reviewed our local data and learned that colon cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer diagnosed in Dare County, with 80% of these cancers detected at a late stage. When colon cancer is diagnosed at a late stage, it is more difficult to treat, and the chances of long-term survival are reduced. To read the entire Newsletter, click “View PDF” below.
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