So much is within our control. We make choices every day that directly impact our health, longevity and quality of life. One of the best ways to stay on top of our health is with an annual wellness check-up. For some, however, the check-up isn’t an annual event. That’s why The Outer Banks Hospital offers free wellness screens for things like body mass index; blood pressure, blood sugar, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, cholesterol levels, skin checks, as well as colon, oral, and breast checks when available.

In addition, the wellness check-up includes a Wellness and Safety Lifestyle Profile as well as personal coaching toward improving and maintaining your health. Depending on your gender and age, we’ll check in with you about simple things that can make a big difference, like getting daily exercise, wearing your seat belt and limiting your risks for falling.

Check our events page for our wellness screen offerings throughout the year. Our Facebook page is another great resource for upcoming free screening events.